01388 601 212 or 07737 746 477 info@officestorinstallations.co.uk


The PUWER 1998 regulations, relate to any equipment at work which should be regularly inspected and maintained. We provide a solution that consists of a site visit to carry out a visual and physical inspection survey using our check list, on each of your storage products that are on site.

OfficeSTOR Installations provide a detailed annual PUWER inspection and maintenance service on any of your storage equipment including mechanical mobile storage systems, lockers and shelving/racking systems, irrespective of type or age. We will identify any minor or major problems with your equipment and endeavour to put it right with our maintenance / repair service on the visit.

PUWER Regs 1998

At the same time of inspection, we carry out planned maintenance servicing on each of your systems, where the equipment would be repaired and parts replaced if necessary and lubricated to maintain efficient and safe use. (Minor parts would be repaired/replaced at the time of servicing but if any larger parts were required to fix it, these would be subject to an additional quotation and visit).

Once an inspection and maintenance service has been carried out an annual PUWER H&S hard copy certificate is issued to you and a smaller copy is attached to each storage product in your workplace.

The certificate will show that the equipment is in working order, complies with current regulations and is safe to use for that year with a date for the next annual service.

We also offer a breakdown and call out service outside any PUWER inspection or maintenance service (please see our Maintenance page).

Further PUWER info:


Acknowledgement: ‘Contains public sector information published by the Health and Safety Executive and licensed under the Open Government Licence’

mobile shelving gear cog close up

PUWER Inspection / Service

Contact us for a PUWER inspection today

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