01388 601 212 or 07737 746 477 info@officestorinstallations.co.uk
OfficeSTOR Installations brand logo

Experienced in design, supply, installation and maintenance of storage systems along with PUWER Inspection

  • Wealth of industry experience and knowledge
  • Work hand in hand with customers
  • Provide tailored and unique storage solutions
  • Help choosing the correct storage products to maximise space


  • Offer competitively priced storage solutions
  • Fast, efficient delivery, with no disruption
  • Installation and maintenance to Health & Safety standards
  • PUWER inspections undertaken
Customer asking for a free quotation

Free storage advice, design planning, site surveys & first class customer service

Health & Safety PUWER Inspections

The PUWER 1998 regulations, relate to any equipment at work which should be regularly inspected and maintained. We provide a solution that consists of a site visit to carry out a visual and physical inspection survey using our check list, on each of your storage products that are on site

Book a PUWER Inspection

Annual Inspection visits can be ordered now

Mobile Shelving designed to maximise space

Store books, files and documents in an easy to operate, compact storage system which doubles your storage capacity

mobile shelving system
plastic locker changing room

Lockers Systems designed to specific needs

Expert help and advice to assist you in choosing the most suitable locker storage products and optional layout designs to suit your requirements

Shelving systems supplied with installation option

Free design planning and production of design layouts to fit your workspace and increase your storage capacity forms part of the service we provide to our clients

Storage shelving system with dividers
metal storage cabinet with lock

Cupboards and Cabinets to all specifications

Whatever your storage requirements and no matter the environment we will specify, supply and deliver storage products to meet your project needs

Installation service provided throughout the UK

More than 25 years of experience installing storage systems and office equipment throughout the UK and abroad using a reliable, professional team of installers

mobile shelving floor rack
mobile shelving gear cog

Maintenance services provided throughout the UK

Storage systems require ongoing maintenance to ensure minimal down time and disruption to your workplace and productivity while adhering to the latest Health & Safety regulations

I would not hesitate in recommending Officestor as supply and fit contractors, servicing contractors or for them to dismantle and re-erect existing equipment and shelving

A can do attitude is always there – with a smile

Paul S.

NHS Foundation Trust

11 + 10 =

OfficeSTOR Installations Ltd – design, supply, install and maintain workspace storage systems throughout the UK and beyond.

Start a new project today!